How to Make $1,000 Every Month From Your Blog

How to make $1,000 per month from your blog?

Don’t worry it isn’t hard when you have a plan.

You may already be making some money with your blog or online business, but struggling to find consistency. 

If your business revenue feels like a rollercoaster then this post is for you.

I am sharing an easy step-by-step process that you can map out to consistently earn $1k every month from your online business. 

The cool thing about this process is you can easily scale it once you have hit the $1k target. 

Maybe you are trying to hit $5k or $10k a month. Once you have the plan in the place it’s easy to do.

If you are thinking right now, “Ya, right, I will never make $5k with my blog because [insert excuse here] then check out my post: 3 common blogging myths that are holding you back from earning money.


How to Make $1,000 Per Month From Your Blog

Step #1 - Product or Service

The first thing you need to start with is your offer.

In order to consistently make money, you need to be selling. 

This can be a digital product or a service that you offer.

I don’t recommend that you rely on other sources of revenue when you are looking for consistency.

You have a lot more control over how much money you make each month when you have your own product or service.

Which brings us to the price point?

What is the price of your offer?

I want you to take out a sheet of paper and write out all of these details that we are covering so you can make your plan to make $1k.


$99 Online course

$59 Template pack

$259 Design service

Step #2 - Customer transformation

Who does your offer help?

How does it help?

What kind of transformation can someone expect to receive when they purchase it?

You need to get really specific with who you serve and how you can help that specific group/person.

I know it can be hard because we tend to try to help everyone, but your offer needs to be as specific as possible. 

You need to convey the transformation to your audience in order for them to see the value in purchasing it. 

This is why it's so important that you focus on who you are serving because the transformation will be specific to them.

What does their life look like now?

What will it look like after they purchase or hire you for your services?

Dig deep with their pain points and desires.

You do not want to just create an offer that you “think” they need. Trust me. I’ve been there and it is a HUGE waste of time.

Step #3 - Monthly Milestones

This is where the consistency will come from.

You need to map out your plan to hit your monthly milestones.

What is your target monthly revenue amount?

When would you like to hit this milestone?

Keep in mind, the goal is to map this out so you can consistently make that amount every month.

Since we’re focusing on creating a consistent $1k I’m going to use that as the monthly target, but I want you to choose what feels right for you.

Maybe that is $3k, $10k or even $15k.

Write that number down.

Now, it’s time to figure out how many sales you need to hit that milestone. All you have to do is divide the price by your monthly revenue milestone.


$1,000 ÷ $99 = 10 sales

$1,000 ÷ $259 = 4 sales

Once you know how many sales you need to get, you can start making your plan. This will be the number of new sales you need to make each month to build consistency in your revenue.

What platform will you use to promote your business? You can check out my post on 5 ways to drive traffic to your blog here.

What can you do to convert leads into sales?

Map it out.

Your plan will be specific to your business depending on where your audience hangs out and what kind of offer you are selling.

The point is to create a plan and break it into individual projects and tasks that you can work on day-to-day to make progress towards hitting your milestone. 

Take the time to write it down and map out how you will sell your offer on a daily basis.

You won’t hit your milestone number overnight, but if you prioritize sales and make time every day to work on these tasks you will build momentum and hit it. 

Step #4 - Calendar

The last step is to put the projects and tasks you created onto your calendar.

Doing this will help hold yourself accountable.

We are bombarded every day with so many different marketing tactics and strategies that we can easily get distracted.

To create consistency with your revenue you need to prioritize these tasks because they will be the backbone of your business.

Without sales, you are left with an expensive hobby.

Take out your calendar and write in the tasks that you will do each day of the week that will move you closer to hitting your revenue milestone. 

Comment below and tell me your monthly milestone so I can cheer you on!