Content Repurposing Myths

I see so much misinformation being passed around about content repurposing, so today I want to clear up some of the biggest myths and misunderstandings that unfortunately hold people back from growing their online business.

3 content repurposing myths to avoid. Content marketing is a great way to grow your blog or online business.  A big part of it is repurposing your content but a lot of people are afraid to get started! Are you letting these myths hold you back?

You might have heard one or more of these myths, but I am here to tell you that you no longer have to let them prevent you from moving forward with your blog or business.


Myth #1: You HAVE to constantly put out new content

This one is more of an indirect myth that involves content repurposing.

Believing that you need to put out a ton of new content is definitely a myth. 

Not only does this pressure lead to you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, but you’ll end up creating too much unnecessary content.

When we get stuck in this mindset and believe that we have to create a ton of new content or show up multiple times a day on every platform, the quality of our content starts to decrease and lose its value.

We often put way too much pressure on ourselves around content and how much we need to produce.

Instead, you can still show up for your audience and use content marketing to grow your business, but reuse, recycle and repurpose the amazing content you’ve already created. 

It’s not just about producing something fresh, but about creating a fresh outlook or adapting the content in a different way to help your audience.

Myth #2 - Repurposing content is boring for our followers

I always have women telling me that they don’t repurpose their content because they are afraid people will stop following them.

It’s actually the opposite.

Your audience will get more value from your content when you are repetitive. Most people need to hear from you multiple times before they ever even take action.

Don’t worry about losing people, and if you do, they probably weren’t a good fit for what you offer anyway.

When you repurpose content you can actually adapt it multiple different ways so that you aren’t just copying and pasting the same thing over and over again.

For example, you can take 1 video and splice it into many different Instagram feed posts or Facebook page posts. Think of how many Instagram stories you can create from just 1 blog post.

Instead of summarizing an entire new piece of content, break it up and share it on your social platforms in different ways: videos, carousels, lives, feed posts, etc.

Myth #3 - Repurposing content takes too much time

I know how busy you are and how just the thought of adding one more thing to your plate sounds exhausting.

But… repurposing will SAVE you so much time!

Instead of spending hours creating more and more content, you will repurpose one piece of content in multiple ways for multiple platforms. 

Trust me when I say you will actually spend less time on marketing your content because you have a system in place to guide you when repurposing. 

Plus, think of how much easier it is when you have steps to follow to maximize each piece of content you create.

Personally, I like to use Asana for all of my content marketing. 

Every time I produce or market content I have a system to follow inside of Asana so that I don’t even have to think about what I need to be doing. 

I used to waste a lot of time figuring out what my nexT step was or how I promote my last blog post.

You can read about how I create a content calendar using asana.

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Not only will content repurposing make things easier for you it will allow you to track what is working and not working with your content.

I’m sure you know how some of your content does amazing while others are just so-so.

You can use this information to give your audience more of the content that they like by repurposing things from your archives.

Comment below and tell me if you repurpose your content or if you’ve been holding yourself back because you believed one of these content repurposing myths.