How to Repurpose Content

As a blogger or business owner, you probably have WAY too much to get done every day, but not enough time.

Not to mention the stress of feeling like you need to create new fresh content and show up on every single social media platform.

Am I right?

This is especially hard if you are a solopreneur and don’t have a team helping you with your content process.

I am going to share with you a way that you can save yourself so much time creating and promoting your content.

Sound good? 

The answer is… drum roll please… repurposing content.

It’s not about creating more content, but about focusing on how to make the most out of the content you do create.

As content marketers, you want to focus your time on content that performed really well. This means repurposing and reusing the pieces that your audience loved and shared. 

Whether you are repurposing a podcast episode, ebooks, slideshares, case studies, webinars, blog content, Facebook group posts, slide decks or even social media posts it can easily be done. 

Your time should be spent on creating high-quality content that is valuable to your audience, not worrying about pumping out as much content as you possibly can. You can significantly decrease the time it takes for your content creation when you start repurposing. 

This is where repurposing will help.

One of the best ways to save time with your blog  or business is to repurpose your content. Check out 7 ways that you can repurpose your content easily and download a FREE copy of the Consistent Content Roadmap!

What does repurpose content mean?

Repurposing content simply means you take a content piece and reuse it someplace else.

It sounds pretty simple, and it can be very simple when you have a repurposing plan or system in place.

It makes it much easier to reuse your content when you have pre-planned how you will repurpose it.

Most people worry that repurposing is annoying or pushy, but you have to consider that your audience isn’t following you on every single platform.

Plus, everyone has their own preferred method for consuming content.

With social media moving at such a fast pace, half of the people who do follow you on a particular platform won’t see your post anyways.

When you repurpose your content it gives you the opportunity to promote your content in multiple different ways and multiple different places.

You don’t want to spend so much time creating an awesome piece of content and then only posting it in one place.

Click on the button below to enter your email address and get a free copy of my Repurpose Like a Pro workbook.

    Why should I repurpose content?

    When you repurpose your content you are extending its lifespan.

    Instead of just writing one blog post and expecting your entire audience to read it, you want to reuse that content on your social media platforms, your email list or anywhere else you have built an audience.

    It allows you to create less and promote more.

    Here are some quick benefits to repurposing your content:

    • Save time - If you’re like me, then you don’t have time to produce new content every single day. It’s just not possible. When you reuse your content you are essentially saving time because you are able to recycle your content on other platforms instead of creating something new.

    • Build authority - Reusing your content on different platforms will help you to build up credibility and authority in your industry.

    • Expand your reach - Each of your social media platforms will have different people following you. When you repurpose a piece of content on each platform you can expand your reach to grow and get in front of a new audience.

    • Repetition - You might think, um ya that’s what I am scared of. Your audience needs to hear something 7 times before it sinks in. 7 times! When you repurpose your content you are helping your audience not only to learn but to absorb your content.

    Related: 3 Steps to Create Consistent Content
    and Content Repurposing Myths

    How can I repurpose content?

    When I repurpose content I always like to start with the main form of content that I create.

    For me, it has always been blog posts.

    This is my starting point.

    Consider how your audience consumes content or the easiest way for you to create content.

    For you, it might be videos, live streams or even audio content.

    Once you know your start point for your content you can then map out your own plan to repurpose and reuse it in as many places as you can because it boosts your reach.

    Here is an example of how I recently repurposed a blog post in a few different places:

    #1 - Blog post

    I started by writing this blog post:

    Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 8.43.50 PM.png

    #2 - YouTube

    Once the post was written, I then used the text as a script to record this video from it.

    Screen Shot 2021-02-12 at 8.38.46 PM.png

    #3 - Instagram Feed

    Then, I used the content to create a graphic for my Instagram account.

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    When you are creating a process to repurpose content, keep it simple and easy for yourself.

    Start with 1 or 2 methods that you are comfortable with doing. 

    Here is a list of 7 different ways you can repurpose your content:

    #1 - Transcribe a video for a blog post - If you enjoy creating videos then try transcribing the video using Rev so you can use the text for a blog post.

    #2 - Use your blog post as a script for a LIVE video or a YouTube video - In the example, I showed you above, I like to use my blog post as an outline to follow to record a video. 

    #3 - Create graphics for social media - Pull quotes from your blog post or video or make separate graphics to help promote your main source of content. 

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    #4 - Design an infographic - Take out some of the main points of your content and create an infographic that you can promote on your social media channels. This visual will help your audience see the overall picture of your awesome content. 

    #5 - Record an audio version of your post - Your audience may prefer to consume audio content. Record yourself reading the post or talking through the main points. You can even share a snippet of it using Headliner

    #6 - Summarize and share it in your newsletter - This is one of the easiest ways to repurpose your content. Take your main source and turn it into an email to send to your subscribers. 

    #7 - Design several different pin images for Pinterest - Test out different pin images to drive more traffic back to your content. 

    This list can go on and on:

    • Pull a quote from your blog post and create several tweets from it

    • Rewrite (and update) to create a guest post

    • Turn a longer blog post into an email series

    • Use your blog post as a script for a podcast

    There are so many different ways that you can reuse your content. Get creative and do what you feel will be most effective with your audience. 

    How to repurpose old content

    You don’t even have to create any new content you can use old blog posts, instagram content, or any content that has good engagements or did well. 

    Pick a specific topic you want to repurpose and go into your archives and find ways that you can repurpose some of your evergreen content. This means content that is timeless or always relevant. 

    You can still repurpose themed content just make sure you aren't promoting it at the wrong time of the year (ie. Halloween content in February).

    Consider updating old content to be more relevant and then use all the repurposing examples above. To do this, you can look at your statistics in your google analytics account and see the content that performed the best.

    This tactic can help you take one piece of content that you created a year ago and turn it into 10-15 new pieces that you can use to promote your business.

    Plus, chances are your audience is filled with so many new people who may not have ever seen the old content that you have created.

    Have I sold you yet on why you should repurpose your content?

    I hope so!

    I now spend a lot less time creating new content and more time promoting and repurposing it.

    Comment below and share how you repurpose content in your business.

    Addi GanleyComment