3 Steps to Create Consistent Content for Your Business

Are you creating consistent content for your blog or business?

It can be tough creating new content for your audience on a weekly basis especially if you hate doing it.

That used to be me. 

I would dread creating new content because it felt like an overwhelming task.

But, consistent content has been the number one growth strategy for both of my businesses.

Even though it sometimes feels ‘hard’ for me to do, there are so many benefits to showing up and creating consistent content for your business. 

I know a lot of people will say “blogging is dead” or “content is pointless,” but I beg to differ. 

Without your content your target audience will not know who you are, how you can help or ever build a connection with you. 

The connection part is vital to growing and making sales.

Consistent content is how you will nurture your audience and attract new people to your business.

Keep in mind, that it doesn’t have to be “blogging.” 

Your content can be in the form of video, audio, podcast episodes, email newsletters and social media posts.

When you show up consistently you can build a relationship with your audience and let them build a connection with you.

Creating consistent content can help you to grow your audience and build a connection with your audience. Follow these 3 steps to create consistent content for your business today.

Make creating consistent content a priority

Anytime I talk to someone about creating consistent content for their business I almost always get the same responses: 

“I don’t have enough time.”

“It takes too long.”  

“I don’t know what to write about.”

The only way to create consistent content is to MAKE THE TIME.

You have to make creating content a priority for your business. If you just wait until you have some free time to create content you will realize that the time never comes.
Like I mentioned above, I used to hate creating content because it felt like such a ‘heavy’ task to complete. I would continue to move it down on my to-do list and before I knew it months (yes, months) went by before I created any new content for my audience. 

You have to carve out blocks of time in your schedule for creating content. 

This doesn’t mean you will be creating content every single day, but you need to have dedicated time for completing this task. Maybe you choose 1 day a week and make it your content creation day, or maybe you schedule in 3 days out of the month to plan all of your content for the entire month.

Pick a system that works for you, but always make it a priority in your schedule. 

If you need help creating a content marketing strategy you can follow these steps in this post.

To take it a step further, you also need to make distributing the content a priority as well. 

Think about:

Where will you share this content?

How will your audience engage with the content?

You don’t want to spend a ton of time creating an awesome piece of content and then not promote it properly to your audience. 

Keep a bank of ideas to create consistent content

To help say consistent with my content, I have a running spreadsheet full of ideas. This way, when I sit down to plan for the month I can just pick some ideas from my spreadsheet and add them to my calendar. 

I used to struggle with what to write about because I would wait until the night before I wanted a post to go live and would find myself just staring at a blank screen.

I would feel overwhelmed with finding content ideas or worrying about writing the perfect post.

Now, I don’t put myself in that stressful situation because I keep this idea bank and add to it anytime an idea pops into my head. 

I like to do this in Google Spreadsheets so I can access it anytime from my phone. I have found that some of my best ideas have come to me when I am at the store shopping or on an early-morning run. 

All I have to do is take out my phone and add the idea into my spreadsheet plus any notes that may support the idea and then I am done. 

This prevents me from going out and looking for ideas or feeling that pressure of finding new content.

Get inspired with content ideas from your everyday life by getting in the habit of keeping a content bank.

Even if they feel insignificant, it’s okay. You don’t have to use every idea you put into your spreadsheet.

Create a calendar for consistent content

I’m sure you’ve heard a ton of people talk about creating a content calendar.
It’s not something new, but it is something I HIGHLY recommend you do.

A content calendar is an easy way to keep yourself organized and consistent with your content.

It’s not just about having a calendar of ideas, but it will help you plan enough time to create and promote your content.

Most people make the mistake of spending all of their time on planning, but then never execute their ideas.

Having a content calendar will help guide you each day on what content you need to post and when. 

At the beginning of each month, I like to plan out my content for the entire month. I’ll look at any important dates and events I have and then decide which topics I want to talk about. 

If you are just getting started with a content calendar do not schedule too many posts every week until you can fall into a routine to show up consistently. 

Consistency doesn’t mean more.

Find what works for you and get in the habit of making it a routine.

This could be:

  • YouTube goes live on Monday

  • Email video to list on Wednesday

  • Share Insta story with 3 tips from video on Friday

Your content calendar can be as basic or as extensive as you feel comfortable with. The point is to make it your own so you can show up consistently with content for your business. 

Creating consistent content does not mean showing up every day, but it is about finding a routine that feels good for you.

Related: How to Create Content Faster

I am all about using systems and workflows to make the process go faster and easier on myself.

If you need help creating a template for your content, check out this post: How to Create a Blog Post Template to Save Time