Ultimate Guide to Achieve Your Goals Faster

We are all looking for that quick win or overnight success.

But… as you probably know by now there isn’t a magic pill that you can take to get results faster or a quick way to instantly be successful.

In order to achieve your goals, you have to put in the work.

Tired of feeling like you are behind? Need help crushing your goals? Check out The Ultimate Guide to Achieve Your Goals Faster. Learn this easy 3-step process that will help you propel your business and get results faster with your blog.

This doesn’t mean it will take years to achieve, this just means you need to put in the work to see results.

Most of us give up too easily.

We try a new tactic or strategy and when we don’t get the results we anticipated, we give up.

Have you ever done this?

I definitely have.

I’ve done this more times than I’d like to admit.

For example, a couple of years ago I believed that I had to have a ton of different products in order to be successful. 

I never felt when I launched anything that it did really well so I would abandon it and move onto the next thing. 

And when that didn’t work I would invest into a mastermind group or a new group coaching program thinking that if I just joined that next thing then my blog would be successful. 

Does this sound familiar?

I started to realize all I was doing was wasting time chasing the next best thing when really I needed to focus on the goals I wanted to achieve and then do whatever it took to achieve those goals. 

Today, I want to share with you The Ultimate Guide to Achieve Your Goals Faster so you do not waste years upon years as I did.

Ultimate Guide to Achieve Your Goals Faster

Step #1 - Identify YOUR specific outcome

I emphasize YOUR outcome because we are often influenced by what we see others doing online. Instead of taking the time to think about what we want to achieve, we look outward to see check on other people in our industry. 

To achieve your goals faster you need to understand what it is that YOU want to achieve.

Not what is expected of you, or what you see everyone else doing, but what YOU actually want to accomplish with your blog and business.

Doing this will not only give you clarity on what you are working towards but it will give you a direction. 

Have you ever taken the time to brainstorm what you want to do? 

Where do you see yourself in 3 months? How do you want to feel? What is your big vision for your business?

If not, STOP right now and do it.

Honestly, take out a sheet of paper and just start writing down all the ideas that pop into your head. 

We all want that instant gratification and to hit our goals fast, but you can’t achieve an unknown goal.

You may not know all the details of the big vision for your blog right now, but you have to start somewhere. 

I recommend setting 90-day outcome goals.

This means you will not only give yourself a deadline, but also a specific outcome you want to achieve.


  • Book 2 new 1:1 design clients by (insert date here).

  • Earn $1,000 from launching my digital tracker by (insert date here).

  • Get 250 new email subscribers by (insert date here).

To achieve your goals faster, you need to have a specific deadline and outcome you want to achieve so that you know EXACTLY what you are working towards and don’t waste time on projects that aren’t going to help you hit your goals. 

Step #2 - Create a plan

Have you ever built Ikea furniture?

If not, be glad you haven’t. 

If you have, then you understand how crucial their instructions are. 

Imagine… you are redoing your bedroom and you are really excited to freshen up the space so you head to Ikea to get a new bed, dresser and nightstand.

You can’t wait to see how it all comes together so you rush home and jump right into building the new furniture. 

Once you have it all open and see the 9 billion pieces you need to put together the dresser you instantly start to panic. 

our frantically looking for the instructions because you have no clue how this dresser should be built.

It’s not your fault that someone forgot to put the instructions into the box. Instead of giving up, you think, “I got this!” 

… 3 hours later and you only have 1 drawer assembled and it’s on the verge of falling apart. 

You’ve lost all motivation to redo your bedroom and you are ready to give up.

This is EXACTLY what happens with your blog and business when you don’t have a plan to follow to achieve your goals.

You start out excited and ready to take on the world with the new project you are working on, but you quickly get frustrated and give up because you aren’t sure what you should be doing or you aren’t getting results fast enough.

You NEED to have a plan in place to achieve your goals.

A map, instruction manual, blueprint… you get the point. 

This will help you to fit your big ambitions into your day-to-day life so that you don’t give up on your goals. 

You can download a copy of my Goal Setting Workbook to help you break down your goals into daily tasks to create your plan. 

Also, watch this 90-day planning session video to help you break down your outcome goals into individual projects and tasks.

When you do this, you can schedule the tasks that make up your goal and put them onto your calendar. This will ensure that what you are working on will have an impact on your business. 

This plan will guide you to achieve your goals faster.

Step #3 - Stay on track

Once you have your goal and you have broken it down into a step-by-step plan it’s up to you to stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals.

We all know how hard it can be to stay focused on what needs to be done when there are a million different distractions and shiny objects out there that we see each day.

I am going to share with you a few tips to help you stay accountable so that you can achieve your goals faster.

1: Write it out - Oftentimes, we just think what we want to achieve, but we don’t take the time to actually write it out. The act of writing makes the goal more real. Take out a sheet of paper and jot down your goal right now.

2: Put it in front of you - There are so many days where we feel unmotivated and unsure why we are even working on some of the things on our to-do list. To help you stay motivated I want you to write your goal you are working towards and put it right in front of you. It can be on a sticky note or even the background of your computer. This will be a constant reminder 

3: Accountability partner - It might sound silly, but get yourself an accountability partner. It can be a friend or even a peer in your industry. Find someone that you can share your goals with and let them help hold you accountable. It’s fun having someone root you on and make sure you are doing what needs to be done. Plus, when you are having a bad day or questioning why you are doing this you can turn to that person for some motivation!

4: Track your progress - To help you stay committed and actually achieve your goals, you need to find a way to track and measure your progress. Being able to watch yourself move closer and closer to hitting your goal is a huge motivator. Check out 3 ways to track your progress towards your goals here.

5: Create checkpoints - Create your own mini-deadlines or checkpoints to help you stay on track. These could be small milestones that you want to hit along the way. When you see yourself hitting these checkpoints it feels amazing. Also, if you feel like you are falling behind you can use these checkpoints to evaluate your progress and make adjustments to your plan. 

6: Time blocking - You want to schedule in time to complete each of the tasks and projects you need to do to achieve your goals. If you don’t block off time in your schedule the work will never get done. Even if it is only an hour or two per week, block off that time in your planner and get to work.

When you follow this  3-step process you can achieve your goals faster. 

Get started today:

  • Set aside 30 minutes to brainstorm your goals

  • Get specific with the outcomes you want to achieve and create deadlines to hit the goals

  • Break down the goal into projects and tasks so that you have a plan to follow

  • Schedule in time to complete the work

Comment below and tell me your tips to achieve your goals faster.